CBD Dog Treats: A Scientific Review of Their Effectiveness for Anxiety

CBD Dog Treats: A Scientific Review of Their Effectiveness for Anxiety

With growing interest in the therapeutic uses of cannabidiol (CBD) for both humans and pets, CBD dog treats have surged in popularity as an alternative treatment for anxiety in dogs. But do CBD treats actually help relieve anxiety in canines? Let's review the current scientific evidence.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 active compounds found in the cannabis plant called cannabinoids. Unlike the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not produce a "high". While THC binds directly to cannabinoid receptors, CBD has more complex, indirect interactions that help modulate the effects of THC and provide therapeutic benefits. 

CBD is thought to influence signaling of the body's endogenous cannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating pain, mood, sleep, memory, stress response, immune function, and more. By interacting with receptors and neurotransmitters in this system, CBD may help reduce anxiety, pain, inflammation, seizures, and more - making it a promising therapeutic compound. There is also evidence CBD may modulate neurotransmitters like serotonin and glutamate that are involved in anxiety and stress response. 

CBD for Dogs with Anxiety

With anxiety being a common issue in dogs, CBD dog treats are often suggested as calming and soothing. Researchers suggest dosing treats with CBD may help high-strung or anxious dogs feel more relaxed. 

Anxiety disorders are common in dogs, estimated to affect 11-15% of the canine population. Separation anxiety is one of the most prevalent, along with noise phobias triggered by thunderstorms, fireworks, and other loud noises. 

Signs of anxiety in dogs may include restlessness, pacing, trembling, panting, hiding, loss of appetite, barking, whining, and destructive behaviors like chewing or digging. Chronic anxiety can be stressful for dogs and disrupt the human-animal bond.

Traditional treatments for canine anxiety include behavior modification training, pheromone therapy, prescription medications, or nutraceuticals. However, there is growing interest in using CBD oil and treats as a natural alternative due to CBD's proposed anxiolytic effects.

For example, there is evidence CBD may influence serotonin receptors and help increase serotonin levels in the brain, which is thought to promote calmness and relaxation. CBD is also suggested to interact with CB1 receptors, which may influence anxiety levels and stress response.


How Might CBD Reduce Anxiety in Dogs? 

There are a few ways CBD may help relieve anxiety in dogs:


  •  Activating Serotonin Receptors - CBD may activate 5-HT1A serotonin receptors, which can produce anti-anxiety effects similar to SSRI medications. One study found CBD led to rapid anti-anxiety effects mediated by 5-HT1A activation in rodent models.
  •  Indirect CB1 Receptor Interactions - Research shows CBD can reduce the anxiety-provoking and psychoactive effects of THC through its indirect interactions with CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system. 
  • Anxiolytic & Neuroprotective Effects - Studies have found anxiolytic and neuroprotective effects of CBD in animal models through mechanisms like reducing stress-induced cognitive impairment and regulating neurotransmitter signaling.
  •  Anti-Inflammatory Effects - Neuroinflammation is linked to anxiety disorders. CBD has shown anti-inflammatory properties in rodent models, which could potentially relieve anxiety arising from inflammatory conditions.

What Does the Research Say? A Look at Clinical Studies

While anecdotes and testimonials about the calming effects of CBD treats abound, what does the scientific research say? 

Here's an overview of the current published data:

  •  A 2020 pilot study administered CBD oil to 18 client-owned dogs with diagnosed anxiety disorders. After one month of CBD treatment, 89% of dogs had a significant or moderate improvement in anxiety scores according to owner and veterinarian assessments. No side effects were reported.
  •  A 2021 randomized, placebo-controlled study evaluated CBD for firework noise fears in dogs. Dogs receiving CBD oil for 4-8 weeks showed significant improvement in stress behaviors and anxiety scores during a noise simulation test. The CBD group also had lower epinephrine and cortisol levels measured after exposure to firework noises, indicating a blunted stress response.
  •  Another 2021 clinical trial investigated CBD treats combined with behavior modification training for separation anxiety in dogs. The CBD treat group showed greater improvement in time spent alone and fewer anxiety episodes during separations from owners. Owners also reported the CBD group adjusted more quickly after adoption compared to dogs receiving placebo treats.

While promising, these studies are small and few in number. More large, blinded clinical trials are needed to truly gauge the efficacy of CBD treats for dog anxiety. But the current evidence supports CBD's potential to help improve behavioral symptoms alongside other therapies.

Are CBD Treats Safe for Dogs?

An appealing factor about CBD is its relatively high safety and mild side effect profile observed in studies thus far. Here are some risks to consider if giving your dog CBD treats:

  • Source & Quality - Hemp-derived CBD products may contain contaminants or THC unless properly sourced and tested. This is why making your own homemade CBD treats is a much safer alternative for your furry friend.
  •  Drug Interactions - CBD may interact with some medications like NSAIDs, steroids, anti-seizure drugs, and others metabolized through certain pathways. Consult a veterinarian before using CBD treats alongside other medications.
  •  Dosing - Proper dosing is important, as very high amounts of CBD could cause side effects. Follow recipe dosing guidelines and monitor your dog. Start with low doses and gradually increase if needed.
  •  Digestive Upset - Some dogs may experience diarrhea, vomiting, or lack of appetite with CBD, especially at high doses. Reduce dosage or discontinue use if these side effects do not resolve.
  •  Sedation - CBD may cause mild drowsiness in some dogs, especially at higher doses. Monitor for changes in energy level and alertness.

While occasional digestive upset is the most common side effect, CBD is generally well-tolerated in dogs when used responsibly. Consult with your veterinarian before using any CBD products to weigh the specific risks and benefits for your dog.

Advocates say CBD dog treats may activate CB2 receptors throughout the body that play a role in regulating pain and inflammation. This could help provide overall comfort and soothing effects for anxious dogs. The treats are designed to be given daily, either for general relaxation or specifically when dogs show signs of stress and nervous behavior like trembling, pacing, or aggressive reactivity. Pet owners state they have seen benefits like their dogs appearing calmer, less on edge, and acting less fearful or anxious in situations that previously caused issues.

Choosing Quality CBD Dog Treats

With the rising popularity of CBD, an explosion of CBD pet products have entered the market, making it challenging to distinguish quality CBD treats from poorly made or fraudulent products. Here’s a recipe for choosing high-quality CBD treats for your dog:

Relaxed Chicken (CBD)

Calming homemade cookies made with CBD oil, dried lavender, and savory chicken to bring happiness and relaxation to your furry companion.

You can find this recipe in our Dog Recipe Catalog under Reduce Anxiety


  • Check that THC content is below 0.3% to comply with legal limits. Some dogs are sensitive to THC.
  • Be sure to use high-bioavailability CBD oils, extracts or isolates to maximize absorption. 
  • Start with lower dosages (2-5mg CBD per treat) to gauge your dog's response, especially with small dog breeds.
  •  Avoid artificial fillers and flavors. Use all-natural ingredients.

CBD treats may be worth exploring for managing anxiety and other conditions in dogs. But always consult your veterinarian first. 

Discerning pet owners should weigh the potential benefits and risks with their veterinarian before trying CBD treats as an anxiety aid.

For dog owners whose pets struggle with anxiety, adding CBD treats into their routine is one option to try managing the problem. First, pet owners should consult their veterinarian to discuss using CBD as a supplement, especially if the dog takes any other medications that could interact. Assuming the vet approves trying CBD, dog owners can look for reputable homemade recipes like Bone It Up that offer CBD dog treats to ensure quality ingredients. 

Starting slowly with a low dose is advisable to assess how the dog responds and monitor for any side effects. A typical starting amount would be about 1-5mg CBD per 10 pounds of body weight, given once or twice daily. Pet owners can monitor the dog’s anxiety levels and adjust the dosage gradually if needed. The treats can be given for general relaxation or specifically when the dog encounters anxiety-inducing situations.

Incorporating CBD dog treats takes some trial and error. Finding the optimum frequency and dosage for an individual dog requires patience. While some dogs show benefits within a week, it may take others longer to respond. Keeping a journal to track the dog’s anxiety behaviors can help gauge effects. It’s also important to ensure the treats fit within the dog’s diet and caloric needs. Consulting with a holistic veterinarian knowledgeable in CBD can help dog owners manage this new supplement.

With proper diligence and veterinary guidance, CBD dog treats may be a worthwhile addition to help an anxious dog. However, pet owners should remain realistic in expectations and be ready to adjust or discontinue use if the treats do not seem beneficial. Monitoring effects and collaborating closely with the vet is key to safely incorporating CBD into an anxious dog’s lifestyle.

Ultimately, there is potential for CBD treats to become an alternative treatment option for dog anxiety if the science and proper dosing guidelines support it. 

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